बुधवार, 28 अप्रैल 2021

बिहार के नालंदा जिले में कोरोना वैक्सीन के लिए पंजीकरण कैसे करें ? Registration Procedure for Corana Vaccine in Nalanda

Registration Procedure for Corana Vaccine in Nalanda

For online registration of corona vaccine in Nalanda District

  1. Make sure you have a valid mobile number for OTP verification.
  2. You should have valid documents for identity proof like an Aadhaar card, Voter ID card, Pancard, Passport, Driving License, NPR smart card, Pension Passbook, etc.
  3. Only 4 family members can be registered for covid vaccination with a mobile number in Nalanda district, Bihar

Step:-1 Visit the official website 

Step: 2 Click on Register/ Sign in yourself tab

Step :3 Enter Mobile Number and Wait for OTP

Step: 4 Verify Mobile Number by Entering OTP ( OTP Validity 3 Minutes)

Step:- 5 Only 4 member can be registered using one mobile number

Step:- 6 Fill in the person details

Step:- 7 Choose the date for vaccination 

Step:- 8 Select the preferred place

You are done, visit the selected location for vaccination. 

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